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Def Leppard and Tom Morello “Just Like ’73”

Well, this is fun!

Def Leppard has teamed up with Rage Against the Machine guitarist Tom Morello for a new track called “Just Like ’73”.

The song represents the musical awakening that the band experienced in the early seventies when iconic artists like David Bowie were changing the scene.

And, of course, it rocks:

Yup. That will do.

I really enjoyed that, especially with the addition of Tom Morello on guitar. It gives it that extra kick.

Honestly, I’m happy that bands from the 70’s and 80’s are still touring and making music. Sure, there’s haters out there saying that they should hang it up. I will never be that person.

Rock on, dammit!

Also, Def Leppard is on a huge tour once again with Journey,  Steve Miller Band, Heart and Cheap Trick- what a lineuo, right???- get dates at https://defleppard.com/home/