Cetaphil Superbowl Commercial
Let’s be honest, one of the best parts of the Super Bowl is the commercials. Unless you’re a Chiefs and Taylor Swift fan, of course!
The trend these past few years has been for brands to release their commericals early. Some people complain about it, but, with a average of $7 million per 30 second spot, I honestly don’ blame for companies to do whatever they have to do to get their money’s worth.
Cetaphil released their Super Bowl commerical yesterday, and it’s a tearjerker for sure. Plus it’s got a clear Taylor Swift theme without actually mentioning her name:
Come on, you know it’s cute.
Plus, Cetaphil is a good product- I’ve got problem skin, and the cleanser is amazing.
No, I’m not being paid for saying that. They spent 7 million, so I’m giving them a freebie.
I’m also not mad about them capitilizing on Taylor Swift’s popularity, and her influence on the NFL this past season. She did bring a lot of new, young female fans to the NFL, and really, that’s not a bad thing. If it makes dads and daughters bond, I’m all for it. Heck, my dad and I have had several Taylor Swift-centric conversations of late, and I’m 41 and he’s 72. Whatever works, right?
Hate all you want, it’s not going away.
In these crazy times, anything that brings a smile to one’s face is a good thing.
This commercial did that for me.