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halloween light show

“Thunderstruck” Halloween Light Display

Tis’ the season for excessive Halloween Light Shows, and I am all for it.

One video that is making the rounds his Halloween season is this  AC/DC “Thunderstruck” display, and I can’t even begin to imagine how much this cost.

Ok, the Pumpkin Broadcasters are a little much, but the actual light display is badass!

I love classic rock, and also, this is the Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders signature song (don’t ask me why, but I love me some DCC!) so I really enjoyed the heck out of this.

The company that puts on these incredible displays is called Magical Light Shows, and you can get more info at magicallightshows.com and also on the youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/@TomBetGeorge

Yes, I totally went down the light show rabbit hole.

Seriously impressive.