Ok, like most women my age, I absolutely LOVE “Mean Girls”.

It’s 20 years old, this year, by the way.

So, yeah, that movie was total FIRE to me at 20 years old. I rememvber seeing it in theaters with my best friend Erica and thinking, “Omg, best movie EVER.”

Is it really? Nah. But to 20 year-old me, it was freaking Oscar-worthy at the time.

Anyhow, Wal-Mart just made a brilliant -albiet, expensive- advertising move with an upated version of the movie “Mean Girls” to prote their Black Friday deals, and Holy Moly, it’s perfect.

I laughed so damn hard, and it made my heart happy to see this.

Also, where the HELL is Regina George? I guess Rachel McAdams had better things to do. Her loss.

This absolutely made my day.

Now, if only Wal-Mart could hire some checkout people, and they’d be golden.


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